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Welcome to 


Built upon experiences, and inspired by those that I have been honored and blessed to have met, learned from, and continue learning from along the way. Now, after almost four decades, you’ll find easy-to-follow lessons and guidance, leading towards a SMARTER way of living, inspired and empowered by the incredible martial arts. 


Join me on this amazing marital arts journey. Let’s do it!



Seiryu ‘willow’ (tree) - By the mid-1930s, the Japanese government was largely controlled by top officers of the military. Around 1935, Sensei Konishi was approached by the commanding general of the Imperial Japanese Army and asked to develop self-defense techniques for women serving in the National Railroad Department. At the time, Senseis Konishi, Ueshiba, Mabuni and Ohtsuka were training together almost daily, so his first step in fulfilling this request was to ask Sensei Mabuni to work with him in developing standardized training methods that would help students remember the techniques he wished to impart. Together, the two men developed a kata that incorporated the essences of both Shindo Jinen Ryu and Shito-Ryu, their respective styles. As they finalized the form, they solicited feedback from Sensei Ueshiba, who advised modifications to address the fact that the intended practitioners would be women. Female martial artists traditionally executed techniques from a higher stance than their male counterparts, and needed to protect different parts of the anatomy. Sensei Ueshiba believed strongly that, in order to be effective, the kata needed to reflect those facts. Likewise, it had to account for the position of women in Japanese society, which was closely defined by cultural custom. As a result of the collaboration between the three great masters, the kata that resulted - Seiryu - incorporates core principles from karate, aikido and jujutsu, and emphasizes techniques that go with the force of an opponent's attack, rather than opposing it directly. Sieryu is a particularly rich kata with a variety of applications for each of its techniques, as well as a number of kakushi waza (hidden techniques). The name “Seiryu” is partially comprised of the word ryu, which means "willow" in English. Just as a willow tree will bend with the wind, so too, should the martial artist practicing this kata bend with the force of his opponent. The name further implies strength, however, for while the willow bends under the force of the wind, it does not break. The kanji for this kata may also be pronounced “aoyagi.” Seiryu ‘Sauce’ (árbol) - A mediados de la década de 1930, el gobierno japonés estaba en gran medida controlado por altos oficiales de la milicia. Alrededor de 1935 Sensei Konishi fue abordado por el comandante general del Ejército Imperial Japonés y pidió desarrollar técnicas de defensa personal para las mujeres que servían en el Departamento Nacional de Ferrocarriles. En ese momento, Senseis Konishi, Ueshiba, Mabuni y Ohtsuka estaban entrenando juntos casi a diario, por lo que su primer paso para cumplir con esta solicitud fue pedirle a Sensei Mabuni trabajar en el desarrollo de métodos de capacitación estandarizados que ayudarían a los estudiantes recordar las técnicas que deseaba impartir. Juntos, los dos hombres desarrollaron un kata que incorporaba las esencias de Shindo Jinen Ryu y Shito-Ryu, sus estilos respectivos. Cuando finalizaron el formulario, solicitaron comentarios del Sensei Ueshiba, quien aconsejó modificaciones para abordar el hecho de que los practicantes previstos serían mujeres. Mujeres artistas marciales tradicionalmente ejecutaban técnicas desde una postura más alta que su contraparte masculino, y necesario para proteger diferentes partes de la anatomía. Sensei Ueshiba creía firmemente que, para para ser efectivo, el kata necesitaba reflejar esos hechos. Igualmente, tenía que darse cuenta de la posición de las mujeres en la sociedad japonesa, que estaba estrechamente definida por la costumbre cultural. Como resultado de la colaboración entre los tres grandes maestros, el kata - Seiryu - incorpora principios básicos del karate, aikido y jujutsu, y enfatiza técnicas que van con la fuerza del ataque del oponente, en lugar de oponerse directamente. Sieryu es un kata particularmente rico con una variedad de aplicaciones para cada una de sus técnicas, así como una serie de kakushi waza (técnicas ocultas). El nombre "Seiryu" se compone parcialmente de la palabra ryu, que significa "sauce" en inglés. Del mismo modo que un sauce se doblará con el viento, también el artista marcial que practique este kata se dobla con la fuerza de su oponente. Sin embargo, el nombre implica más fuerza, ya que mientras el sauce se dobla bajo la fuerza del viento, no se rompe. El kanji para este kata también se puede pronunciar "aoyagi".
Japan Karate-do Ryobu-Kai, Shindo Jinen Ryu Karate-do

With a 5th degree (Godan) black belt in this traditional Japanese martial art, a member of the JKR International Yudanshakai Executive Council, a certified JKR International Instructor, and Chief Instructor of the JKR in Mexico. Studying, training and teaching for almost four decades.

Wellness & Fitness – mind, body and spirit

Encompassing Karate-do, general fitness, easy-to-follow exercise routines, meditation, breathing, and touching in some basic mostly plant based nutrition.

Fight – empty hand,
sword & weapons – Coordination for TV & Film

Sensei / Kaicho Kiyoshi Yamazaki with whom I study, lived and worked with as assistant fight / sword coordinator for some years, opened doors, giving me the opportunity to meet and work with many great actors, such as, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ralf Moeller, Danny Woodburn, Robert McRay, T J Storm, Lou Ferrigno, Aly Dunne, Amy Buchwald amongst others, along with many talented stuntmen and stuntwomen professionals. 


To open the incredible world of the martial arts through the lens of Karate-do to a wide audience of varying ages, from beginners to experienced, while focusing on wellness & fitness, embracing and developing the entire human being - mind (Shin) & body (Tai). The Smarter Way is a bilingual educational platform that encourages elevated general well-being, focused on Karate-do, by way of dynamic video tutorials, interactive virtual classes, and much more. For it is the self-enriching journey, full of intellectually, physically, and spiritually stimulating moments, and not the destination, that is of utmost importance. It is about investing in oneself, evolving and becoming a greater version of ourselves, for ourselves, and those around us. Capitalizing and living in THE moment.

Japan Karate-do Ryobu-Kai, Shindo Jinen Ryu Karate-do

With a 5th degree (Godan) black belt in this traditional Japanese martial art, member of the JKR International Yudanshakai Executive Council, certified JKR International Instructor, and Chief Instructor of the JKR in Mexico. From an early age I have been intrigued and fascinated by the martial arts, and the eastern culture. My curiosity lead me on an incredible journey, a lifetime of study, and now, in recent decades, enjoying above all else teaching what I have, and am continuing to learn, so as to share my knowledge, understanding, and experiences with others. 


I have been blessed with studying, and having served as uchi deshi (understudy/direct student) to, Kaicho Kiyoshi Yamazaki, who in my opinion (and to thousands around the world), is one of the foremost martials arts Sensei’s. Reinforcing so many core traits taught by my parents as a child in England, and later through Kaicho Yamazaki. One from a western perspective, while the other from an eastern perspective. Both cultures and perspectives embracing key human traits of humility, compassion, integrity, honesty, perseverance, determination, focus, and, the understanding that one can never give up.


The decades studying with Kaicho Kiyoshi Yamazaki have been, and continue to be enlightening and inspirational.



Sat, Aug 29th, 2020



Mina Yamazaki


Kata Shimpa


1:00pm PDT | 3:00pm CDT | 4:00pm EDT / Venezuela | 9:00pm BST


Sat, Sep 19th, 2020



Jonathon Smart



Kata Seiryu


8:00am PDT  |  10:00am CDT (Mexico) 11:00am EDT (Venezuela) 

4:00pm BST (UK)


Sat, Oct 17th, 2020


Sensei Martin Materano


To be confirmed


8:00am PDT  |  10:00am CDT (Mexico) 11:00am EDT (Venezuela) 

4:00pm BST (UK)


Sat, Nov 21st, 2020



Howard High



Technical Details and Principles of Training


8:00am PDT  |  10:00am CDT (Mexico) 11:00am EDT (Venezuela) 

4:00pm BST (UK)

WhatsApp Image 2020-09-24 at

Sat, Dec 19th, 2020


Winter Gasshuku

Kaicho Kiyoshi Yamazaki & Sensei Mina Yamazaki


To be confirmed


8:00am PST   |   9:00am MST

10:00am CST (Mexico). |  11:00AM EST 12:00PM (Venezuela)

4:00pm GMT (UK)

WhatsApp Image 2020-12-09 at

Sat, Jan 16th, 2021



Simon Oliver



Aragaki Sochin and practical applications


8:00am PST   |   9:00am MST

10:00am CST (Mexico). |  11:00AM EST 12:00PM (Venezuela)

4:00pm GMT (UK)

WhatsApp Image 2021-01-16 at

Sat, Feb 20th, 2021


Paul Belle Isle


Kata Rohai


8:00am PDT  |  10:00am CDT (Mexico) 11:00am EDT (Venezuela) 

4:00pm BST (UK)

WhatsApp Image 2020-09-24 at

MARCH, 2021


Spring Gasshuku

Kaicho Kiyoshi Yamazaki & Sensei Mina Yamazaki


To be confirmed


8:00am PDT  |  10:00am CDT (Mexico) 11:00am EDT (Venezuela) 

4:00pm BST (UK)


APRIL, 2021



Johnny Aguilar



To be confirmed


8:00am PDT  |  10:00am CDT (Mexico) 11:00am EDT (Venezuela) 

4:00pm BST (UK)

Wellness & Fitness – mind, body and spirit

Encompassing general health, simple and easy-to-follow exercise and work out routines, meditation, breathing exercises, and some basic nutrition that works for me. Understanding that we have never fully ‘learned’, but are constantly ‘learning’, growing and evolving each and every day.


Reflecting on my journey this far, the constant has been an enjoyment, and passion for teaching, sharing, supporting, and helping, with the hope that what I have to share is of some relevance, interest, enjoyable, and potentially motivational in some small way. Now, with a desire to dedicate more time to sharing what I have learned this far, I have developed some easy-to-follow routines, inspired by my martial arts training and journey.


Join me on this incredible journey of self-discovery.  Let’s do it!

Movie Coord
Fight – empty hand, sword & weapons – Coordination for TV & Film

Sensei / Kaicho Kiyoshi Yamazaki with whom I study, lived and worked with as assistant fight / sword coordinator for some years, opened doors, giving me the opportunity to meet and work with many great actors, such as, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ralf Moeller, Danny Woodburn, Robert McRay, T J Storm, Lou Ferrigno, Aly Dunne, Amy Buchwald amongst others, along with many talented stuntmen and stuntwomen professionals. Most of whom I assisted in Sensei / Kaicho Yamazaki coordinating fight scenes, training, teaching actors, stuntmen, and other industry professionals in how to safely and effectively create and perform dynamic and realistic fighting scenes. I am thankful and blessed to have been Sensei / Kaicho’s assistant and had a glimpse into the interesting and amazing world of Hollywood. My journey and experiences have given me a unique skills-set and ability to step back into the TV & Film industry when there are interesting projects and opportunities, with dynamic fight scenes to be coordinated. 

Guiding principles, the

SMART way…

Be Smart



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